About Orthodontics

There’s never been a better time to get the smile you’ve always wanted! At Palmetto Family Orthodontics, our patients receive expert care in a comfortable, family-friendly environment.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is, to put it simply, the movement of teeth into their best position so you can have a beautiful smile and a great bite! An orthodontist is a specialist who has received additional training in dentistry that goes above and beyond the standard four years required to be a dentist.

It’s a common myth that orthodontists only offer aesthetic benefits. The reality is that teeth that are not in their proper alignment are more difficult to clean. Uneven teeth cause food and other particles to get stuck in your teeth.

Uneven teeth experience rapid tooth decay or periodontal disease. Some people may even experience difficulty chewing, headaches, neck tension, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

Requesting a free in-person* or virtual exam now with Palmetto Family Orthodontics is the best way to learn about how orthodontic treatment can improve your life.

How Orthodontic Treatment Works

There are more options than ever to enjoy the perks of a natural smile. Although there have been many advancements in treatment, they all function in a similar way. Orthodontic treatment works by applying localized pressure to shift the teeth. Over time, this realigns the smile into a more natural shape.

During your exam, we will use the latest and greatest diagnostic technology to understand your needs fully. We will use x-rays, photos, and a scanner which creates a 3-D virtual image of your teeth and bite to create your ideal orthodontic game plan.

While braces and Invisalign are two of the most popular orthodontic treatments we offer, there are even more specialized services available to our patients. We want to be the best orthodontist in Spartanburg and Greenville, SC, which means we work hard to provide every possible treatment you could ever need.

Our airway orthodontics treatments give patients with conditions like obstructive sleep apnea a chance to find relief through personalized teeth and jaw correction. Meanwhile, interceptive treatment can help children and teens correct misalignment (malocclusions) while their jaws are still growing to prevent issues later in life.

Airway Orthodontics

Certain issues with teeth alignment and jaw placement can impact your sleep. Children and adults can both suffer from poor sleep quality or even obstructive sleep apnea due to their mouth and jaw alignment.

Airway Orthodontics helps these patients achieve normal breathing through personalized orthodontic treatment.

Signs You Or Your Child May Need To See An Airway Orthodontics Expert

Symptoms In Toddlers & Children

  • Hyperactivity
  • ADHD
  • Chronic lethargy
  • Chronic allergies
  • Breathing through the mouth instead of the nose
  • Rapid shallow breathing
  • Bedwetting
  • Chronic nighttime restlessness, waking, or nightmares
  • Periods of no breathing or breath-holding while asleep
  • Dental or facial misalignments, including a recessed chin or crossbite

The benefits of airway treatment that we commonly see in our younger patients are a higher quality of sleep throughout the night, better behavior, more focus and success in school, and overall improved dental health.

Symptoms In Adolescents & Adults

  • Chronic daytime sleepiness despite a full night’s sleep
  • Feeling unrested upon waking in the morning
  • Chronic morning headaches
  • Dozing off during activities in the daytime
  • Poor school or work performance
  • Periods of no breathing or breath-holding while asleep
  • Obesity
  • Bad breath
  • Nose bleeds or congestion

If you or your child are experiencing any of these common symptoms of airway issues, we recommend requesting a free consultation* with our team.

At Palmetto Family Orthodontics, we provide one-on-one care that helps patients manage their oral health and breathing. Our corrective treatments can include braces, night guards and mouth guards, and special devices that keep your jaw positioned the right way while you sleep.

Benefits of Airway Orthodontics 

Some of the benefits of airway orthodontics can include:

    • Getting better sleep at night

    • Feeling more energized during the day
    • Reducing symptoms of conditions like asthma and sleep apnea

Some patients find that they stop getting respiratory infections and completely resolve their sleep issues with airway orthodontics.

The goal of any device is to improve the alignment of your teeth and jaw to maximize the amount of air that passes through your airway. We use the latest technology to customize each treatment and deliver long-lasting results.

Every patient that comes to us receives the most personalized care. We will closely examine your oral health to discover how your unique mouth and jaw structure may negatively impact your life. If you experience sleep difficulties or have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, we will determine the best alignment to improve your breathing to avoid nighttime difficulties.

Every treatment plan we create is tailored to each individual’s needs. If you are a parent contacting us on behalf of your child, we know how important it is to have a medical professional on your side. We will always listen to your concerns and do what’s best for your child’s oral health.

If the first treatment doesn’t show desired results, we will make adjustments and continue to refine our treatment until we see positive change. Getting the right balance in airway orthodontics can take trial and error, but we’re with you every step of the way.

Airway Orthodontics FAQ

Airway orthodontics aims to eliminate issues that cause breathing obstruction so that you or your child are able to breathe properly. Airway orthodontics is primarily concerned with aiding appropriate breathing, but it also guides healthy jaw growth, leads to fewer dental and health difficulties, and improves overall health and well-being.

At Palmetto Orthodontics, we do more than just straighten teeth for patients suffering from airway difficulties. We give comprehensive treatment that includes industry-leading ways to address airway obstructions, sleep disturbances, and more.

Airway orthodontics aims to eliminate issues that cause breathing obstruction so that you or your child are able to breathe properly. Airway orthodontics is primarily concerned with aiding appropriate breathing, but it also guides healthy jaw growth, leads to fewer dental and health difficulties, and improves overall health and well-being.

At Palmetto Orthodontics, we do more than just straighten teeth for patients suffering from airway difficulties. We give comprehensive treatment that includes industry-leading ways to address airway obstructions, sleep disturbances, and more.

Whether you have noticed any of the symptoms mentioned above, or just for peace of mind regarding your child’s development, we recommend an early airway evaluation by age 7. During this time, your child’s facial and jaw structures are still developing and growing, making it an ideal time to correct any airway issues. 

You already know breathing is an important, fundamental function of life. What many people don’t know, however, is the wide spectrum between the states of “breathing” and “not breathing.” It’s possible to breathe in a way that optimally benefits your overall health, and on the other hand, it is also possible to breathe in a way that forces your body to compensate for limited oxygen levels.

If your body regularly struggles for proper oxygen levels, numerous long-lasting health problems can result, including raising your risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. In younger children, chronic mouth breathing has even been definitively shown to change the shape of the developing face.

Nope! If you have been experiencing any of the above symptoms relating to breathing or other airway-related issues, feel free to contact our team and request a free consultation. It is important to remember that you are in control of your body and the medical care that you receive, so be proactive and contact us today for the highest standard of care and a better quality of life.

Interceptive Treatment

When it comes to pediatric orthodontics, two phases of treatment help correct malocclusions like overbite, crossbite, and underbite. Requesting an appointment with a children’s orthodontist in Greenville, SC, can help preserve your child’s oral health and promote a healthy smile throughout their lives.

Interceptive orthodontic treatment is the first phase of orthodontics for kids. It starts with a primary evaluation to help identify your child’s unique orthodontic needs. We suggest every child have their first orthodontic visit by age 6 or 7. Still, you and your child are more than welcome to visit our Greenville, SC, orthodontic practice anytime. It’s never too late to start treatment!

Some signs that your child could benefit from interceptive treatment are:

    • Late-stage thumb-sucking or pacifier use
    • Noticeable underbite or overbite
    • Crossbite or misaligned jaw
    • Messy eating and difficulty chewing
    • Losing baby teeth too early or too late

Interceptive treatments include braces for kids, a palatal expander, or partial braces to start correcting your child’s alignment. You can expect interceptive treatment to last between 6 months and one year.

After the interceptive period ends, braces are removed and devices are discontinued to give your child’s teeth time to grow on their own. Successful interceptive treatment means that your child’s adult teeth can erupt in the proper spaces, which helps prevent orthodontic issues in the future.

The next stage of treatment involves treating your child’s permanent teeth to maximize alignment and ensure excellent oral health. After treatment, your child will receive a retainer to set them up for a lifetime of healthy teeth!

If you are looking for an orthodontist for your child in Greenville or Spartanburg, SC, Palmetto Family Orthodontics offers interceptive treatment and life-long orthodontic care for families throughout the area.

Our family-friendly practice has a compassionate staff, fun games, and an energetic atmosphere that puts kids at ease while delivering expert care. We combine years of experience with the latest technology to provide top-of-the-line orthodontic care to the whole family.

Please request a free consultation* with us today. You can complete our contact form or call one of our offices directly. We look forward to meeting you and taking care of your smile!